Publications / IISP Staff Online Interviews and Papers
D. Ibragimova
Maleva, Tatyana M.
May 16, 2006: | Let Russia grow // Interview to the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. 2006. May 16.
| May 13, 2006: | Demographic situation in Russia // Interview to the Mayak broadcasting station. 2006. May 13.
| May 12, 2006: | No allowance would provoke an instant baby-boom // Kommersant. 2006. No 83 (3414). May 12.
| May 11, 2006: | New child allowances will be introduced from January 1, 2007: How the President's Message will be implemented in practice // Izvestia. 2006. May 11.
| May 4, 2006: | Who will protect us? // Interview to the Ekho Moskvy boradcasting station on the problem of trust of the Russians to te state. 2006. May 4.
| April 21, 2006: | Boss, support the economic growth! // Interview to the National information agency Strana.Ru on poplation's incomes. 2006. April 21.
| Апрель 2006: | The life of Gastarbeiters will become easier // Interview to the information and legal center "Tezavr" on labor migration. 2006.
| March 13, 2006: | So, was the monetization of benefits necessary? // Interview to the Voice of America broadcasting station. 2006. 13 марта.
| February 28, 2006: | Triumph of paid health care // Interview to the Vek newspaper. 2006. February 28.
| November 18, 2005: | Poor, poor children! // Interview to the Moskovkie Novosti on social programs towards families with children. 2005. No. 44. November 18.
| July 26, 2005: | Have we become wealthier? // Interview to Komsomolskaya pravda.
| April 2005: | Elitism consists in activity, not in money // Interview on the middle class to Profil. P. 36-37. 2005. No. 13.
| March 30, 2005: | Interview to the Ekho Moskvy broadcasting station on the reform of the housing and communal sphere, and social benefits.
| February 18, 2005: | Middle middle class: Is it possible to increase the number of affluent families in Russia three times // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. No. 3703. February 18.
| February 15, 2005: | Benefits justified the absence of action towards socially disadvantaged groups // Interview to the political expert network Kreml.org.
| February 8, 2005: | 2,5 per cent richer: the number of the poor in Russia is decreasing //Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. No. 3693. February 8.
| February 6, 2005: | The system of benefits will still play tricks // Interview to the REGNUM information agency |
February 6, 2005: | On M. Zurabov's government dismissal // Interview to the REGNUM information agency |
January 28, 2005: | Chuvashia decided to provide social and political support for the center // Interview to the REGNUM information agency (together with the Club of Regional Journalists) |
January 28, 2005: | Monetization of benefits would lead to the growth of the number of people with disabilities and aggravate regional differences // Interview to the REGNUM information agency (together with the Club of Regional Journalists) |
January 20, 2005: | The InterFax Information Agency held a press-conference on monetization problems. The conference brought together members of the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks. Tatyana Maleva and Lilia Ovtcharova represented the IISP. See full text of the conference (in Russian) |
January 14, 2005: | Regions ask for fire [Regiony prosyat ognya] // Interview to the Moskovskie novosti newspaper on the monetization of benefits. 2005. No. 1. January 14 |
January 13, 2005: | M. Zadornov and T. Maleva's interview to the "FinMarket" Information Agency on the monetization of benefits |
January, 12 2005: | Law's on the monetization of benefits coming into force // M. Zadornov and T. Maleva's interview to the Ekho Moskvy broadcasting station. 2005. January 12 |
December 2004 | National Human Development Report. Chapter 3: Economic Growth, Incomes and Social Differentiation // UNDP. Moscow, 2004 |
October 2004: | The whole history of humanity is but a search of a social balance // Elusive World / Institute of Sociology RAS, Moscow School of Political Studies. M: Moscow School of Political Studies, 2004. P. 222-244 |
May 10, 2004: | Expert comment on a case-study of small entrepreneurship: "Granny - Second-Hand" // Komsomolskaya pravda newspaper. 2004. May 10 |
April 19, 2004: | Nameless majority [Bezymyannoe bolshinstvo] (choose "cancel" when asked for password) // Expert-Siberia. 2004. April 19-25. No. 8 (22). P. 12-17 |
March 19, 2004: | The doors to the middle class have been closed: The tragedy of Russia is the phenomenon of working poor [Dveri v sredniy klass zakhlopnulis': Rossiyskaya drama - eto nalichie rabotayuschikh bednykh] // Interview to the National Information Service Strana.RU |
February 9, 2004: | The number of the poor in Russia isn't more than that in America: the problem is that the gap between the poor and the middle class is too big [V Rossii bednyh ne bolshe, chem v Amerike: problema v tom. chto ochen velika prosloyka mezhdu bednymi i srednim klassom] // Nashe vremya (Novgorod), based on School of Regional Journalism discussions |
January 22, 2004: | Do we live well or poorly? [Khorosho ili plokho my zhivem?] // Interview to Mayak broadcasting station on poverty in Russia. |
December 31, 2003: | Contract by the law, salary by conventions: Labor market cannot overcome the barbarous stage [Dogovor po zakonu, zarplata po ponyatiyam: rynok truda nikak ne mozhet preodolet' dikost'] // Interview to Rossiyskaya gazeta (federal edition) |
December 23, 2003: | Intermediate people: How to Help Them Enter the Middle Class [Promezhutochnye lyudi: kak pomoch im pereyti v sredniy klass] // Interview to Rossiyskaya gazeta (federal edition) |
December 15, 2003: | Economic grimaces of the labor market [Ekonomicheskie grimacy rynka truda] // Interview to the information service ChastniK |
October 21, 2003: | The Myth and the Truth about the Russian Middle Classes // Interview to the electronic edition Gazeta.RU (section Comments) |
October 17, 2003: | "From House to Work with Tatyana Maleva" // Interview to the Stolichnaya vechernaya gazeta newspaper |
October 13, 2003: | Expert opinion about the middle class, in: materials to the article "The Invisible Man. Companies don't know what the middle class looks like, but do know how to make money on it" // Kompaniya. No. 285 |
October 8, 2003: | Interview by T.Maleva, IISP Director, and Ye.Gontmakher, Head of Department for Social Development, Office of the RF Government, to the Ekho Moskvy broadcasting station on the housing and communal sector economic reform |
September 3, 2003: | Interview to the Ekho Moskvy broadcasting station on the demographic situation in Russia. A discusson was held between T.Maleva, A.Vishnevsky (Director of the Center for Demography and Human Economy of the Institute for Economic Forecasting, RAS), and Fedor Lukyanov (Chief Editor of the journal Russia in the Global Politics |
July 25, 2003: | Social state is but a sheer declaration so far [Sotsialnoe gosudarstvo - eto poka ne bolee chem deklaratsia] // Interview to the weekly newspaper Rodnaya gazeta, No. 13 |
July 16, 2003: | Dress on the Center: It is not only the Temperature Difference at the Wealth and Poverty Poles that the Wheather in the Society Depends On [Ravnenie na seredinu: Pogoda v obschestve zavisit ne tolko ot raznitsy 'temperatur' na polyusakh bogatstva i bednosti] // Interview to the newspaper Moskovskie Novosti. 2003. No. 27 |
July 15, 2003: | Middle Classes in Russia: Economic and Social Strategies (in Russian) / Ed. by T.M. Maleva. Moscow Carnegie Center. Moscow: Gendalf, 2003
| July 1, 2003: | Interview to the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda |
May 23, 2003: | Discreet Charm Prospects. How Much Middle Class Is There In Russia? [Perspektivy skromnogo obayania. Skol'ko v Rossii srednego klassa] //Rossiyskaya gazeta, No. 97 |
May 21, 2003: | Interview to the Ekho Moskvy broadcasting station on the accessibility of higher education in Russia |
May 13, 15, 16, 2003: | A series of interview to the socio-political TV program Big Money |
May 8, 2003: | Interview to the Ekho Moskvy broadcasting station on the rich and the poor in Russia |
April 18, 2003: | Who Lives Happy in Moscow [Komu v Moskve zhit' khorosho] / Interview to the business journal Russian Focus (special project Middle Class). No. 16, May 12-18, 2003 |
November 2002: | Labor Reserves [Trudovye rezervy] / Interview to the journal Ogonyok. No. 46 |
November28, 2002: | Tips for the Doctor [Chayevye dlya doktora] / newspaper Moskovskie novosti |
November 28, 2002: | A Young Girl Without Address. Russian Social Policy, or the Mysterious Stranger [Devushka bez adresa. Rossiyskaya 'sotsialnaya politika' - zagadochnaya neznakomka] / Interview to the newspaper Moskovskie Novosti |
November 27, 2002: | Paying for Unemployment [Rasplata za bezrabotitsu] / Interview to the weekly newspaper Vremya MN |
November 20, 2002: | Participated in the seminar Poverty in Russia: A Hindrance or an Incentive to Growth, held by Complex Applied Research Foundation. Materials of the seminar are published in the collection of papers: Ten Forecasts [Desiat' prognozov] / Complex Applied Research Foundation. Moscow, 2003. P. 34-40.
| November 16, 2002: | An Assiduous Country [Usidchivaya strana] / Interview to the newspaper Izvestia |
November 15, 2002: | "The saying 'poverty is no crime' is still extremely influential in Russia:" [V Rossii pogovorka 'bednost - ne porok' po-prezhnemu imeet moguchuyu silu:] / Interview to the Expert channel OPEC - Open Economy |
June 2002: | "A Classical Case: The theoretical discussion about the 'middle class' is a debate on our society's condition. No middle class means that everyone is poor in the poverty-stricken country. And the presence of a middle class means that all the efforts and pains were not in vain" ["Klassicheskiy sluchay: Teoreticheskiy spor o 'srednem klasse' - eto spor o tom, kak zhivet nashe obschestvo. Net ego - znachit, v nischey strane vse nischie. Est - o, ne zrya stradali"] / Interview to the journal Ogonyok. No. 24 |
April 11-17, 2002: | Neither Flight, Nor Fall [Ni vzlyota, ni padenia] / Interview to Financial Russia, a national business weekly. No. 13 |
March 28, 2002: | Globalization and Social Policy Problems [Globalizatsiya i problemy sotsialnoy politiki] / Interview to the Expert Channel ОРЕС - Open Economy |
March 27, 2002: | Social Policy Prospects [Perspektivy sotsialnoy politiki] / Interview to the Expert Channel OPEC - Open Economy |
March 6, 2002: | Interview to the Echo Moskvy Broadcasting Station on the social and economic condition of women in modern Russia |
February 1, 2002: | What is Middle Class, and Is There a Middle Class in Russia? [Chto takoe sredny klass i est' li on v Rossii] / Interview to the Radio Rossii |
January 11, 2002: | The Test of Economic Growth [Ispytanie ekonomicheskim rostom] / Vremya MN, No. 851 |
Ovcharova, Lilia N.
April 11, 2005: | Working people with children make most of the poor people in Russia // NEWSru.com. 2005. April 11 |
January 20, 2005: | The InterFax Information Agency held a press-conference on monetization problems. The conference brought together members of the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks. Tatyana Maleva and Lilia Ovtcharova represented the IISP. See full text of the conference (in Russian) |
May 26, 2004: | Benefits instead of proficit // Vedomosti. 2004. No. 88 (1128). May 26.
| May 24, 2004: | Either double GDP, or cut poverty by half // Profil. 2004. No. 19. May 24.
| April 26, 2004: | Who is poor in Russia. To reduce poverty in three years is possible, but the increasing power of bureaucracy may hamper the progress // Expert. 2004. No 16. (417). April 26 - May 2.
| April 9, 2004: | Zurabov has corrected Kudrin. Pensioners will be able to choose a form for their benefits // Vedomosti. 2004. April 9.
| April 1, 2004: | To take away and divide among. The government would abolish veterans' benefits for communal payments // Novye izvestia. 2004. April 1.
| March 15, 2004: | Interview to Stolichnaya vechernyaya newspaper on poverty in Russia.
| December 3, 2003: | Strategy of a scared hare // Stolichnaya vechernyaya newspaper. 2003. December 3.
| July 15, 2003: | (co-authored) Middle Classes in Russia: Economic and Social Strategies (in Russian) / Ed. by T.M. Maleva. Moscow Carnegie Center. Moscow: Gendalf, 2003
| February 5, 2002: | "The rich go rich, the poor go poor. A further differentiation of the society is the shortest way to dictatorship" ["Bogatiy bogateet, nischiy nischaet. Dalneyschaya differentsiatsia obschestva - kratchayschiy put' k diktatorskomu rezhimu"] / Interview to the newspaper Nezavisimaya gazeta |
January 31, 2002: | "Shadow schemes are a burden for proprietors already now" ["Tenevye skhemy uzhe seychas tyagotyat sobstvennikov"] / Interview to the newspaper Vremya novostey, No.17 |
Sinyavskaya, Oksana V.
December 23, 2005: | Poor people // Interview to the Mayak boradcasting station on the problems of economic growth in Russia. Dec 23, 2005. |
September 16, 2005: | Participation in the TV-program "Shall we survive till retirement?" (Avtorskoe televidenie Channel). Sept 16, 2005. |
August 24, 2005: | Will pension become a far-to-reach dream for the Russians? [Pensia dlya rossiyan stanet dalekoy mechtoy?] // Interview to the Mayak broadcasting station (together with Anatoly Vishnevsky). August 24, 2005. |
March 2005: | Pension Reform in Russia: A Challenge of Low Pension Age // Project on Intergenerational Equity Discussion Papers. Institute of Economic Research; Hitotsubashi University, 2005. |
Januray 30, 2004: | "Dear old people" [Dorogie stariki]: participation in the TV program The Basic Instinct devoted to the ongoing pension reform. Participants of the program: M.Zurabov (Chair of the Pension Fund RF), V.Ivanter (academic, director of the Institute for Economic Forecasting, RAS), O.Sysuev (Alpha-Bank Board of Directors First Deputy Chair, member of the Alpha-Bank governing company Board of Directors), A.Isaev (Chair of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy), O.Shein (Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy), V.Vasilyeva (People's Artist of the USSR). |
December 15, 2003: | Interview to Izvestia.RU on alternative civilian service |
June 21, 2002: | Expert participation and comments in the NTV program "Freedom of Speech", issue devoted to pensions |
February 7, 2002: | "The success of the pension reform depends on the society" [Uspeshnoe provedenie pensionnoy reformy zavisit of obschestva] / Interview to the Mayak broadcasting station |
Pension Reform in Labor Market Context [Pensionnaya reforma v kontekste rynka ttruda], in: Leontieff Readings: Current Economic Problems in Russia [Leontievskie chtenia: aktualnye ekonomicheskie problemy Rossii]. Vol. 1, 2002.
Surkov, Sergey V.
(co-authored) Middle Classes in Russia: Economic and Social Strategies (in Russian) / Ed. by T.M. Maleva. Moscow Carnegie Center. Moscow: Gendalf, 2003
Book review: Braithwaite, Jeanine, Christian Grootaert, and Branko Milanovic. Poverty and Social Assistance in Transition Countries. L. e.a.: Macmillan Press Ltd., 2000. 188 p / Pro et Contra. Vol. 7, No. 1. Winter 2002
Shatalova, Elena Yu.
Shishkin, Sergey V.
Zubarevich, Natalya V.