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Accessibility of Higher Education in Russia Ed. by S.Shishkin. Independent Institute for Social Policy. Moscow: Pomatur, 2004. 500 p. 1000 copies The collection of papers presents results of a large-scale research project "Accessibility of Higher Education for Socially Disadvantaged Groups", conducted in 2002-2004. Papers included in the book provide unique information about the differences in opportunities of getting higher education for different social groups. The influence on these differences of such factors as social and cultural capital, family income level, place of residence, rules of admission to universities and their financing, the policy of pre-university training, etc., is examined. Measures are suggested to increase the accessibility of quality higher education. |
Higher Education in Russia: Rules and Reality![]() The books presents results of the research of the influence of admission rules and education financing on opportunities of getting higher education. How to enter an ordinary and a prestigious university? What are real admission mechanisms (general competition, target admission, the "rector's list", etc.)? What is the role of informal payments for entering the university and further studies? What is the situation with the National Exam and State Personal Financial Liabilities (GIFO) experiment and how would these innovations influence the accessbility of higher education? The book adresses these and other questions associated with the inequality of different social groups in the area of higher education. |
Free Medical Care: Reality and Prospects IISP Working Paper Series. WP1/2002/07 / By S.Shishkin (project head), T. Bogatova, E. Potapchik, et al. Independent Institute for Social Policy. Рњoscow: Probel-2000, 2002. 216 p. 500 copies The publication generalizes on possible outcomes of three strategies of the financial provision of state guarantees to public health services: (1) the growth of state financing of public health with a minor change its organization; (2) restructuring of the system of public health; (3) legalization of informal payments for medical services. A special attention is paid to the change in the system of informal payments for medical services. Data on the extent to which informal payments are spread, what their causes, forms, and ways of regulation are, obtained from the interviews with medical personnel are provided. |
Health Care in Russia: Payments in Cash Authors collective: S.Shishkin, G.Besstremyannaya, M.Krasilnokova et al. Independent Institute for Social Policy. Moscow: State University - Higher School of Economics, 2004. 248 p. 1000 copies The books presents results of the research of the forms of payments by the population for health care services, conducted by the IISP in 2002-2003. Surveys of healthcare sector workers and households in two typical Russian regions gave answers to the following questions. Who, how, how much and why pays to medical workers in hospitals and policlinics? Are there rules of shadow payments? Are the patients ready to continue to pay the doctors out of pocket? Are the doctors happy with such a situation? What are the probable changes? Would it make sense to legalize a part of these payments, and how would the parties react to it? |
Labor Markets for Alternative Civilian Service IISP Working Papers' Series. WP2/2003/01 / By T. Maleva (project head), L. Ovcharova, et al. Independent Institute for Social Policy. Moscow: SIGNAL, 2003. 110 p. 300 copies The publication is a result of the first analytical research devoted to labor and economic problems connected with the introduction of alternative civilian service (ACS) in Russia. The paper analyzes the balance between the demand and supply in the ACS labor market. The evaluations are based on sociological, economic and statistical methods. |
Poverty and Benefits: Myths and Reality![]() The book summatizes most popular myths on "poverty" and "benefits". Each position is discussed, arguments are provided explaining why this is a myth that misinterpretes the reality. The book addresses a broad audience. The book is based on the research conducted within the "Expansion of Accessibility to Social Services and Payments Guaranteed by the State for Low-Income Families". The research and publication were supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation. |
Population's Income and Accessibility of Social Services![]() The book analyzes the income structure of the population. On this basis, economic and other factors are identified that impede access to the main social services (at the labor market, to benefits, medical care, and education). The book is based on the research conducted within the "Expansion of Accessibility to Social Services and Payments Guaranteed by the State for Low-Income Families". The research and publication were supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation. |
Russia's Joining the WTO: Real and Imaginary Social Consequences![]() The book presents results of the research aimed to identify social changes relevant for the household sector associated with Russia's joining the WTO. The following tasks were addressed: an analysis of social and economic aspects of Russia's joining the WTO in terms of their influence on the household sector; a study of preventive measures taken by other counties aimed to minimize the negative consequences of joining the WTO; an evaluation of the influence of globalization processes on the dynamics of the main living standards indicators; identification of the probable structural and dynamic changes in the economy produced by Russia's joining the WTO, with a regional layout; identification of significant changes in the level and structure of households' consumption. |
Accessibility of Higher Education IISP Working Papers Series. WP3/2003/01. / Ed. by S. Shishkin. Independent Institute for Social Policy. M.: SIGNAL, 2003. 173 p. 500 copies The collection of papers includes articles devoted to the differentiation of various groups' access to higher education, both when entering universities and during the period of studies. Academic research achievements in this area are discussed, and perspective research tasks are identified. Results of recent Russian studies are presented aimed at discovering the dependence of differences in the accessibility of higher education on economic, socio-cultural, socio-psychological, and other factors. |
Informal Out-of-Pocket Payments for Health Care in Russia![]() On the basis of data from interviews with medical personnel in two Russian regions, the extent to which informal payments in different kinds of medical institutions and departments are spread has been analyzed. It is argued that informal payments is a forced way of adaptation of the medical staff and their patients to the transition period. Rules of informal payments were described, and various models of such payments were built. On this basis, an evaluation is made of the possible outcomes of the legalization of informal payments for medical services. |
Regional Human Resources and Corporate Policy![]() Papers presented at the 3rd IISP Inter-Regional Conference. Norilsk. October, 2. 2003. Moscow: Pomatur, 2003. |
Social Policy: Challenges of the XXI Century. Vol. 1 GP1/2003/04/ Independent Institute for Social Policy. Moscow: SIGNAL, 2003. 166 p. The IISP Grantees' Working Papers Series presents the results of projects conducted with grant support from the 'Social Policy: Challenges of the XXI Century' program. The series objective is to provide a wide access to the best research in social policy conducted within IISP grants competitions by scholars from various scientific schools and from different regions. |
Social Policy: Challenges of the XXI Century. Vol. 2 ![]() The IISP Grantees' Working Papers Series presents the results of projects conducted with grant support from the 'Social Policy: Challenges of the XXI Century' program. The series objective is to provide a wide access to the best research in social policy conducted within IISP grants competitions by scholars from various scientific schools and from different regions. |
Sophist. Information Bulletin of the Social Data Archive (periodic edition)![]() The 3rd number opens with the section Life of Foreign Archives informing about our partner - the Finnish Archive of Sociological Data. An analysis of Archive materials is provided. A column is devoted to a description of the workshop for regional faculty. |
![]() The 2nd number informs about the main news of the Archive. The section Life of Foreign Archives presents a review about a new network that integrates social archives of Eastern Europe (by Brigitte Hausstein, Central Archive for Social Empirical Data, Cologn/Berlin). Finally, an analysis of data obtained in Russian studies devoted to public opinion about the ongoing reforms is provided. |
![]() The Bulletin consists of four permanent sections: News from the Social Data Archive; Analysis of Archive Materials; Life of Foreign Archives; IASSIST Column; and provides occasional comments on important current events. The first number of the bulletin contains general information about the Archive and its collections; an analysis of Archive materials (based on the research 'Modern Russian Society, The Transition Period' by the 'SocioExpress' Center at the Institute of Sociology, RAS, and on VCIOM express surveys); and a photo-gallery from the first methodological workshop of the Archive. |
The Disabled People in Russia. Vol. 2. A collective monograph / Ed. by T. Maleva. 500 copies. Expected publication time: beginning of 2004.
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